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biomedical informatics & medical statistics

Brief Introduction

More than 40 years ago, the department started the first Central Hospital Based Cancer Registery in Alexandria,Egypt. Beside the long experience in registration of chronic diseases, the department collaborated with Mario Negri Institute in Italy in research in the field of Clinical Epidemiology. The department also gives regular lectures and launches workshops in the field of Medical research design ,medical statistics and Evidence Based Medicine ,as well as Statistical process control for quality in health care. In collaboration with department of Bioengineering and department of Genetics teaching courses in database and genetic epidemiology will be started.


The vision of the department is to achieve a high quality performance in the field of Medical Scientific Research design , Statistical analysis and Quality Control to qualify it to become a national Center For Consultation .Through its innovative role in application of Evidence Based Medicine and Critical appraisal. Improving the Current Hospital Based Alexandria Cancer Registry to initiate a population Based Alexandria Cancer Registery.


The department is dedicated to have a leading role in Medical Scientific Research design through:

  • Giving lectures and advice for proper research design and sample size Calculations.
  • Conducting appropriate Statistical analysis, and Statistical Quality Control .
  • Enhancing Skills in Critical appraisal and Evidence Based Medicine.
  • Its unique role in running Alexandria Cancer Registry as a model for Registration of Chronic Diseases.

Research plan

  1. Rational drug therapy

  2. Evidence- based medicine(EBM)
    • Awareness, attitude and practice among Alexandria University physicians

  3. Costing medical care
    • Estimating cost for breast cancer treatment

  4. Cancer
    • Profile of familial CRC in Alexandria

  5. Patient safety and quality control

Field of interest

  • Medical statistics
  • Basic computer skills
  • Research design
  • Registration of chronic diseases
  • Clinical Epidemiology
  • Genetic Epidemiology
  • Statistical process control in quality

Activities ,Research and services

  • Running Alexandria Cancer Registry
  • Providing different workshops on Statistical data analysis,research methodology
  • Evidence Based Medicine ,and Statistical process control in quality
  • Collaboration in researches in clinical epidemiology
  • Teaching courses for postgraduate students will be started in September 2008 in the different degrees the department offers
  • Providing consultation for research design & sample size calculation and methods of statistical analysis


Staff members

Head of Department

  • Prof. Dr. Adel Zaki
  • Emeritus Professor
    Prof. Dr. Ramez N. Bedwani ramezbedwani@hotmail.com 
    Prof. Dr. Adel Zaki adelzaki01@yahoo.com 


  • Prof. Dr. Adel Zaki


Alexandria University Alexandria University