1- Evidence-Based Medicine
2- Analysis of Research Results (SPSS)
3- Basic Molecular Biology
4- Molecular Biology – SUB-CLONING
5- Laboratory Hematology
6- Principles of Medical Research
7- Basics & Principles in Practice of Electron Microscopy
8- Statistical Process Control (SPC) for Healthcare Quality Management
9- Laboratory Performance and Quality Assurance
10- Liver Imaging
11- How to Write a Research Protocol
12- Clinical Audit
13- Data Analysis and Scientific Writing
14- Basics and Principles of HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
15- Basics And Principles Of GC (Gas Chromatography) In Biochemical Analysis
16- Basic Techniques in Cell Culture
17- Acute Post-Operative Pain Management Program
18- Basic Diagnostic Immunology
19- Molecular Immunology: Theory, Practice & Application
20- Molecular Biology PCR Techniques & Western Plot
21- Laboratory Safety
22- Basic And Principles Of Gas Chromatography In Biomedical Analysis
23- Applications of Molecular Biology Techniques in Immunology