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Curriculum Vitae view

Personal Details
Name :    Mohamed El-Ghazali Ahmed
Department :    Human Physiology
Date of Birth :    12-1-1955
Country of Birth :    Egypt
Job :    Professor of Clinical Physiology
E-mail :    drghazali1955@yahoo.com

Professor of Clinical Physiology,
Medical Research Institute,
Alexandria University

M.B.B.CH: Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, 1980.
Master degree in Clinical Physiology, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, 1985
Doctor degree in Clinical Physiology, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, 1992

1) Resident of Internal Medicine, Military Hospitals (1981-1982).
2) Demonstrator in Clinical Physiology, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University (1982-1986).
3) Assistant Lecturer Clinical Physiology, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University (1986-1992).
4) Lecturer Clinical Physiology, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, (1992-2003).
5) Assistant Professor of Clinical Physiology, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University (2003-2008).
6) Professor of Clinical Physiology, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria
University (since May 2008).
7) Head of Physiology Department, Medical research Institute, Alexandria University ( since May 2009)

Courses, Meetings & Conferences

1. Zaki FM. Gamal El-Din L, Nour H, El-Akkary I, El-Ghazali M, Fahmy S, Zaki K. Plasma cyclic nucleotides and bronchomotor tone. JMRI 1987; 8: 17-33
2. Zaki FM. Gamal El-Din L, Nour H, El-Akkary I, El-Ghazali M, Fahmy S, Zaki K. Mast cell activity in cholinergic bronchial hyperreactivity. JMRI 1987; 8: 65-79
3. Akkary IM, Fadaly GA, Fawzy RK, El-Ghazali M, El-Sewify M. Respiratory system affection in Egyptian cement workers. JMRI 1993; 14:75-99.
4. El-Akkary I, Zaki K, Kandil S, Abu Ryan M, Gamal L, Atta MI, Gaboor S, El-Ghazali M. Alpha adrenergic function s in bronchial asthma. JMRI 1993; 14: 101.
5. El-Ghazali M. the role of pirenzepine-sensitive (M-1) muscarinic receptors in asthmatics. JMRI 2000;21:154-61
6. El-Ghazali M. The physiologic significance of exhaled nitric oxide and nitric dioxide in asthmatic patients. JMRI 2000; 21:79-89.
7. Akkary IM, El-Ghazali M. Shalaby M. Study of pathophysiology of post-operative pain-induced hypoventilation. Bull Alex Fac Med 2000; 35:201-12.
8. El-Sewiefy M,El-Ghazali M, Mohsen MA, Heif H. Role of magnesium in pathophysiology of bronchial asthma. JMRI 2001; 22:39-57.
9. El-Ghazali M, El-Seweify M, Megahed M, Akkary IM. Oxidant-antioxidant imbalance in exercise -induced bronchoconstriction in asthmatics. Bull Egypt Soc Physiol Sci 2002; 22: 1-22.
10. El-Ghazali M, Shohayeb M. Bronchial response to nerve growth factor in normal and asthmatic subjects. Bull Egypt Soc Physiol Sci 2002; 22: 25-48.
11. Sadek S, Shmaa L, El-Ghazali M. Evaluation of cellular allergen stimulation test (CAST) in Egyptian house dust mite sensitive asthmatics. Bull Egypt Soc Physiol Sci 2002; 22: 50-70.
12. El-Ghazali M, Kamar A, Attar H, Contribution of vascular endothelial growth factor to pathophysiology of bronchial asthma. JMRI 2005; 26: 4-9.
13. El-Ghazali M, Megahed M. Altered calcium homeostasis in post-exercise hypotension in hypertensive subjects. Bull Egypt Soc Physiol Si 2005; 25: 159-174.
14. El-Ghazali M, Shohyeb M. Modification of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension by cysteinyl leukotriene receptor-1 blockade in experimental rats. Bull Alex Fac Med 2006; 42:681-86.
15. El-Kak A, El-Ghazali M. respiratory muscle dysfunction in diastolic heart failure. Alex Med J 2006; 48:213-27.
16. El-Akkary IM, El-Ghazali M, Younis I. Study the effect of 12-weeks rehabilitation program on exercise capacity and disease severity in asthmatic children. JMRI 2006; 27:45-52.
17. Salah H, El-Ghazali M, Abdelfattah I, Hammimi A, Shaat I, Abdeaziz H. Relationship between adiponectin, resistin and visceral obesity in type 2 diabetes mellitus in female Egyptians. J Egypt Soc Endocrin Metab Diab 2006; 38:12-26.
18. El-Ghazali M. Physiological significance of exhaled carbon monoxide in asthmatics. JMRI 2007; 28: 31-6.
19. El-Ghazali M, Saad A, Yamani M. Effect of acute exercise intensity on anabolic and catabolic mediators in trained and untrained children .JMRI; accepted for publication January 1,2007.
20. Akkary IM, El-Ghazali M, Sharkawi A, Fouad B. The effect of exercise on the levels of circulating leptin in hyperlipidemic patients. Bull Egypt Soc physiol Sci: accepted for publication April 2007.

Supervision of Thesis
PhD: 1 thesis
Ms: 6 thesis

-Cardiopulmonary Clinical Physiology teaching.
-Pulmonary function testing.
-Exercise testing and exercise rehabilitation programs.
-Bronchial asthma research and management.

-Member of American Thoracic Society (ATS).
-Member of European Respiratory Society (ERS).

Alexandria University Alexandria University