The 17th Conference (5th International)
of the
Medical Research Institute
Alexandria University
Advances in Medical Research
13th - 16th November,2012
Registration includes participation in the scientific program, meeting materials, name badge, delegate bag, certificate of attendance and coffee breaks (scientific), in addition to three lunch meals (full).
Cancellation and Refund Policy
The secretariat must be notified of all cancellations in writing. Refund will be made within 4 weeks following conclusion of the meeting
Cancellation until 15th of August, 2012 : Full refund
Cancellation until 15th of September, 2012: Refund amount 50%
Cancellation after 15th of September, 2012 : No refund
Abstract Submission:
Abstracts should be submitted to the Organizing Committee together with the registration fees by one of the following:
1. E-mail: (preferable)
2. Fax: +03 428 37 19
Deadline for Abstract submission: 31st August, 2012
Full text of accepted abstracts will be offered a special discount for immediate publication in the Journal of MRI
Official language: English
Certificate of Attendance
A “Certificate of Attendance “will be distributed after completion of the meeting.