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Subject  Human Schistosomiasis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Review
Authors  Lotfy W.M. , Alsaqabi S. M.
Code   2010 - vol. 31, No. 1, Page. 1
Type   State of the Art
FILE #1 : 1-6 2010.pdf (368.2K), Down:5010, 2012-02-13 11:10:48
Schistosomiasis the most important human helminthic
infection is a major source of morbidity for people in 76 countries.
Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium are endemic in Saudi
Arabia. The epidemiology of the human schistosome infection, the snail
intermediate hosts and the governmental successful control efforts are
covered in this review. In addition, the major challenges for control of
schistosomiasis in the country are discussed.
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