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Course  The Training course on Imaging Of Liver Diseases
Period   2009. 5. 2. ~ 2009. 5. 5.
University of Alexandria
Medical Research Institute
Medical Technology Center
Chromatography Unit

The Training course on Imaging Of Liver Diseases
02-05 May  2009

Liver imaging has evolved into one of the main fields of application in our discipline thanks to the impressive technological evolution of all modalities and the development of new contrast media in particular tissue specific agents.
The aim of the workshop is to provide a comprehensive coverage of all the main liver pathologies that will be presented by means of an integrated multimodality approach. Imaging findings will be analyzed on the basis of their pathological correlations. 
The format of the workshop will include formal lectures that have been assigned to expert Colleagues able to thoroughly discuss each topic. Moreover, an interactive discussion on real clinical cases will be led - in additional “slots” - by the Faculty members who will help to define the state-of-the-art in the diagnosis of liver diseases.
 A specific aim of the workshop is to provide practical suggestions on how to manage the diagnostic work-up of liver diseases in the daily practice.
Learning Objectives

To describe the most relevant technological advances of different modalities and contrast media applied to liver imaging.

•To understand the imaging features on the basis of pathological correlations.

•To discuss the main liver pathologies studied by means of integrated imaging modalities.

•To give practical suggestions on the diagnostic work-up of liver diseases in the daily practice.

Who should attend?

 Resident & Specialist in:
-Internal Medicine
-General Practitioner
-Tropical Medicine

Course Program

09:00 AM – 10:30 AM     Lectures
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM     Break
11:00 PM – 01:00 PM     Practical session
Course Content

1.US Anatomy of the liver
2.Principles of imaging modalities
3.US and Doppler of liver diseases
4.CT and MRI of liver diseases
5.Intervention of liver diseases

Ass. Prof. Hesham Badawi.
Dr. Khalid Matarawy
Dr. Walid Abed
Dr. Sayed Mehana.
Dr.Wael Refai
Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Rawia Khalil Fawzy
Registration Fees

300 LE for Egyptians

 Is available upon prior request of at least one week before the course start date:
75 LE for Single room
100 LE for Double room
For registration, please contact:

Mrs. Mai Kotb
Mrs. Rosaline Mounir
Phone:  203 42 66213 / 17 / 18
FAX:  203 42 66214
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