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Writer  MRI
Date 13-10-31 12:53











Organization Name:

Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, Egypt


165 Al-Horrya st., Al-Hadra, Alexandria, Egypt


Phone: 00203 428 64  96;                               Fax:    00203 428 37 19
Email: mri-dean@alexu.edu.eg


Contact Person:

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Samy Afifi, BSL-3,  Lab Director.

Phone: 00203 428 28 73; 00203 424 80 95; 00203 4266 213

Mobil: 0020 100 174  2932

Fax:  00203 427 1573


Country:   Egypt

Submission Deadline: January 2nd, 2014, 12:00 pm local time, any tender  received after this deadline will not be considered.

Projects Name: Procurement of BSL-3 facility for diagnosis of emerging infectious diseases

Employer: Medical Technology  Center, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University.

Financing: Grant provided by Egyptian Italian Debt of development Swap program under the second phase.

Tender validity: Tenders must remain valid for a period of 90 days after the dead line for submission of tenders.

Language of the procedure: All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.


Required services:
Design and construction of a suite type BSL-3 laboratory facility including required equipment for the diagnosis of emerging infectious diseases (on- turn Key).


Project measures:. Design and containment of a Level 3 Biological Safety facility (BSL3) at the second floor of building B,

Medical Technology Centre, Medical Research Institute (MRI), Alexandria University. The area dedicated is around 250 – 300

square meters and presents half of the second floor.

The height of the ceiling is 3.7 m. Within this context, the area to contain the BSL-3 should not necessarily occupy the whole dedicated area but the complete design and all specifications of the BSL3 facility shall conform to the owner’s intent,

one BSL-3 suite type facility containing two laboratories (20-25 meach),

a storage area for -80 oc freezers,

a main dressing room, main air lock personnel, a corridor for personnel,

a clean material storage, a corridor for materials and a sterilization area.

The BSL 3 facility will be dedicated to diagnostic and research purposes with no animal component.

  New containment area should be digitally controlled to allow for the facility with one of its laboratory to be fully functional while,

the other suite laboratory is being decontaminated. The total number of personnel in the unit will be 5.




Scope of work:

  1. The design of the BSL-3 suite.
  2. The preparation and construction for the BSL-3 facility.
  3. The procurement/ manufacture of the BSL-3 type facility, its installation, assembling, and commissioning.
  4. The coordination of all shipping and receiving activities.
  5. The HVAC test, adjust and balance.
  6. The procurement and installation of the required biomedical and support equipment
  7. Commissioning
  8. Certification
  9. Training

Essential requirements for pre-qualification (RFP)

  1. Documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications to perform the Contract if its Tender is accepted:
    1. The Bidder or the Sub Bidder and/or their joint venture shall have demonstrated proficiency on a minimum of two up to five (2 to 5) other projects of similar scope. References for each project shall be included as a part of the RFP submittal.
    2. The Bidder shall have the staff required to manage and execute the requirements of this project.
    3. The Bidder shall maintain continuity of staff assigned for the duration of the project.
  2. That, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply Goods under the Contract that the Bidder manufactures or otherwise produces (using ingredients supplied by primary manufacturers) that the Bidder:
    1. Is incorporated in the country of manufacture of the Goods;
    2. Has been licensed by the regulatory authority in the country of manufacture to supply the Goods;
    3. Has manufactured and marketed the specific goods covered by this Tender Document, for at least two (2) years, and for similar Goods for at least five (5) years;
    4. Has received a satisfactory Quality Assurance inspection certificate in line with the WHO Certification Scheme or has been certified by a competent, and has demonstrated compliance with the quality standards during the past two years prior to Tender submission;
  3. That, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply Goods under the Contract that the Bidder does not manufacture or otherwise produce,
    1. That the Bidder has been duly authorized by a manufacturer of the Goods that meets the criteria under 1 above to supply the Goods in the Purchaser’s country and has a Good Distribution Practice (GDP)/ Manufacturing Standard Certificate where appropriate.
      The Bidder shall also submit the following additional information:
    2. A statement of installed manufacturing capacity;
    3. Copies of its audited financial statements for the past three fiscal years;
    4. Details of on-site quality control facilities and services and range of tests conducted;
    5. List of major supply contracts conducted within the last five years.


Application Format:

  1. Interested companies should submit company profile containing registration documents, list of similar nature of works executed during last five years, financial position of the firm duly supported by bank documents, audit report duly attested by registered charted accountant, list of staff and machinery supported by relevant affidavit, Declaration of undertaking and guarantee of staff continuity for duration of project, Certification of satisfactory bio-safety QA inspections and certifications of at least 5 previous projects of similar or larger scope, Details of on-site quality control facilities and services and range of tests conducted, Performance Certificate from the Client last five projects, and other relevant documents. Pre-qualification would be done on the basis of experience of similar nature of works, financial standing of the firm and position of staff and machinery.

  2. All Firms applying for the qualification should submit an affidavit on stamp paper that their firm had not been blacklisted nor contract rescinded in the past for non-fulfillment of the contractual obligations. An affidavit regarding no litigation should also be submitted.


The detailed works and design plans & general requirements are described in the Tender Dossier, which will be available to prequalified bidders.   

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Dr.

Mohammed Samy Afifi email: afifi_msh@hgu-mri.org



Tender opening session: Documents should be sent to the fore mentioned address  before January 2nd, 2014, 12.00 pm Local Time.


 General Conditions



The submission of the bids shall be governed as under 


  1. The bid should be submitted in two sealed envelopes. The first envelop shall contain the "Technical Bid" and the second envelop shall contain the "Financial Bid".  The envelope containing technical bid should be super-scribed as "Technical" and should contain the following documents:


       a) Documentary evidence establishing that the bidder is eligible to bid which includes the following:


           i.     Documentary evidence of date of establishment and registration.


           ii.    Documentary evidence of previous relevant experience in BSL-3 containments (list of BSL-3 designed and constructed by the company, projects size, place and date of execution and List of employees in the company that have relevant experience in BSL-3 designing and containments). The contractor shall submit a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of five (5) contracts for which the offeror was the prime contractor or Joint Venture (JV) Partner.  For each of the submitted contracts the offeror must provide all info contained on the Contract Data Sheet. This information is to be typed and the limit of information for each contract is three (3) one sided, pages, 12 font. Tender documents duly signed on each page by the authorized signatory.


The Financial Bid should be super-scribed as Financial Bid and should contain the completed price schedule. The basic unit price and all other components of the price need to be individually indicated as per the price schedule given in the tender. The Financial bids shall not be opened along with the technical bids. The sealed unopened price bid shall be retained by Alexandria University  in safe custody of tender opening authority and shall be opened subsequently on a date to be notified by AU while giving a minimum 7 days notice .



  • The Egyptian law 89 of 98 and it's implementing regulations, and amendments, are complementary to this tender and should govern the tendering process.


- Guarantee certificates should be submitted for each supplied and installed component & device.


- Submission (with the offer) a Letter of Credit (guarantee letter) from Egyptian bank, or national bank working in Egypt or cash money with a value equals 5000 (five thousand) Euro or its equivalent in Egyptian pound, to be raised to 5 % of the total value when the offer is accepted.




-The bidder will be responsible for Site survey, Detail Engineering for the systems, civil finishing, technical specifications, user requirements, drawings, Redaction of as-built documents on papers and electronic format, Installation, Organization of the work area, Work direction and site supervision, Safety plan,  Training of personnel, mechanical book, Start up and commissioning plan,  Supervision during accreditation phase




- The bidder will be also responsible for the training of staff (selected by Medical Research Institute) for the operation and maintenance of the system & its components, for the shipping to Egypt and materials loading and unloading,  material lifting on floor of installations,  main electrical connection to our electrical cabinet,  any kind of electrical and utility connection of equipment, laboratory furniture,  technical utilities production system (chilled, hot water, steam, other) and process utilities production system (vacuum, compressed air, liquid nitrogen production system




- Engineering drawing(s), blue prints of the project should be submitted with the offer. Alexandria University (represented by the MRI Dean) has the right to ask for modifications before construction.




- Project execution schedule should be submitted for the defined three months allowed period for project completion (after contract is signed).




- Original tender specification & conditions should be submitted with the offer.


- All catalogues & performance tables & charts of components and devices should be submitted


How to obtain the tender dossier


Original tender specification & conditions obtained from purchasing department - Medical Research Institute for an amount of 10000.00 (ten thousand) LE.


Inquire session will be held on November 28th, 2013, 12.00 pm local time at the Medical Technology Center, 71 Victor Emanuel sq, Smouha, Alexandria




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