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Subject  CD133 Expression in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma An Immunohistochemical and Clinicopathological Study
Authors  El Sabaa B. M., A A.El .El Sayed
Code   2010 - vol. 31, No. 1, Page. 40
Type   Research Article
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Objective: Nowadays, the theory of cancer stem cells (CSC) driving
tumor initiation is gaining wide support. CSCs are increasingly realized to
be necessary targets for effective cancer treatment. The expression of
CD133, a widely accepted CSC marker, has been studied in different
Aim: We study the expression of CD133 in colorectal adenocarcinoma
sections in relation to different clinicopathological parameters and
compare two different immuno-histochemical scoring methods.
Materials and Methods: The study included 44 cases of colorectal
adenocarcinoma. Fourteen (31.8%) male and 30 (68.2%) female patients
operated upon for colorectal carcinoma, with ages ranging between 26 and
80 years (mean 57.27 ± 14.08 years). Immunohistochemical staining for
CD133 was carried out on paraffin embedded tissue sections. CD133
scoring was performed using both; the classic semiquantitative scoring and
digital image analysis. Results were statistically correlated with different
clinicopathological parameters.
Results: 42 cases (95.5%) expressed CD133 with 50% recording high
expression (in > 50% of tumor glands). Semiquantitative CD133 scoring
was significantly related to digital reaction density (p= 0.001) but not to
area fraction (p=0.07). Semiquantitative CD133 scores were related to
tumor grade (p=0.03) and nodal invasion (p=0.003) but not to depth of
invasion (p=0.19), gender (chi= 6.789, p=0.34) or age (F=2.043, P=0.143).
Digital scores (area fraction and reaction density) were related to male
gender (p=0.004 and 0.02, respectively) and tumor grade (p=0.008 and
0.005 respectively) but not to depth of invasion (p=0.88 and 0.17
respectively) or nodal invasion (p= 0.72 and 0.54 respectively).
Morphometrically, nuclei of CD133 expressing tumor glands tended to be
larger than negative glands (no statistical significance).
Conclusions: CD133 is expressed in the vast majority of colorectal
carcinoma cases. Higher expression of CD133 correlates with tumor grade
but not with depth of tumor invasion or length of progression free survival.
Morphometrically, nuclei of CD133 expressing tumor glands tend to be
larger than those of negative glands.
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