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Course  Ultrastructure of plant cell and bacteria by Transmission Electron Microscope
Period   2012. 7. 16. ~ 2012. 7. 17.
Ultrastructure of plant cell and bacteria by Transmission Electron Microscope

Electron microscopy workshop
16 - 17 of July 2012

The goal of this workshop is to prepare plant tissue and bacteria for investigation by transmission electron microscope. In this workshop, plant cells contain a lot of air gases, this will affect infiltration process. The use of vacuum will facilitate the process. Bacteria will be obtained in solution form. Each step of preparation requires centrifugation. Skill performance requires knowledge about different steps of sample preparation. This can be achieved when you carefully adapt with all precaution during preparation of samples. In addition of bacterial sample preparation the basic technique of all sample preparation for studying by transmission electron microscope will also be covered.


The intended audience is students and researchers with expertise interest in their field of research using electron microscope. The main object of this workshop is to know the proper and simple method to prepare your samples in your lab. In addition of giving an intensive training to all equipment related to sample preparation including, ultramicrotomy and electron microscope. Topics also cover the basic parameters, which influence the image, and resolution.


In addition to practical sessions, this workshop includes the following lectures:

•    Fundamentals of electron microscopes construction.
•    Sample preparation for electron microscopy.
•    Artifacts confuse interpretations of TEM
•    Ultra structure of bacteria, and its organelles.

All members interested in:

•    a) Pharmaceutical science
•    b) Microbiology 
•    c) Agriculture Science         
•    d) Medical Research                                  
•    e) Environmental studies          
•    f) Veterinary Medicine         


For Egyptian: 400 L.E.
For others: 800 L.E.


Is available upon prior request of at least one week before the course start date:
100 L.E. for Single room/day
150 L.E. for Double room/day


Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdelmohsen
Director of Medical Technology center,  Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University.

Dr. Nabil Elboraie Elboceiry
 Biophysics Dept., Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University.


Prof. Dr. Sohair Elkhouly, Biophysics Dept., Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University.

Dr. Dalia Elsayed, Microbiology Dept., Medical Research Institute Alexandria University

Dr. Nabil Elboraie Elboceiry, Biophysics Dept., Medical Research Institute Alexandria University


Dr. Nabil Elboraie Elboceiry, Biophysics Dept., Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University


For further enquires and registration, please contact:

Mrs. Mai Kotb        Mob: 01063436912
Phone: (203) 42 66 213 / 17 / 18
Fax:      (203) 42 66 214
E-mail:   medrinal@hotmail.com




9.00 – 10.00



11.30 – 2.30

Practical session



Opening ceremony

Sample preparation for electron microscopy




Coffee break

Fundamentals of electron microscopes constructions

 Plant and bacteria samples preparation.



Artifacts confuse interpretations of TEM micrographs.

Ultrastructure of bacteria and plant

Ultamicrotome sectioning. Staining. Investigation on TEM.


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