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Course  Workshop of How to write Policies and Procedures
Period   2011. 09. 18. ~ 2011. 09. 19.
" How to write Policies and Procedures "

Organized By

Dr. Rania Mohamed Hassan El-Sharkawy

 Lecturer of Chemical Pathology
Medical Research Institute
Alexandria University


"18th - 19th  Sep 2011"


Objective of the workshop:

1-Increases the MRI working staff awareness of the importance of the documentation system in the organization and gives the basic outlines for its establishment

2-Helps the trainee to be able to write an effective policy and procedure

Target group:

• Nurses and technicians who must document familiar procedures

• Writers who currently are writing policies and procedures and want to improve their skills

Day one:

Lecture one 10:00 to 10.30 am – Introduction to Processes

- Process Definition

- Process Basics

- Introducing the Process Approach

- Role of Vision-Mission-Goals-Policies-Objectives in a process

Lecture two 10:30-12:30 documentation hierarchy establishment in the organization

- Identification of the documentation hierarchy in the organization

- Document control system

Practical cession :12:30-1:30 pm

- Application for process approach in different departments

- Application for document control system

Day two:

Lecture one:10:00 to 12:00 am

How to write  policies and procedures

•    Difference between policies and procedures

•    Introduction to Procedures

•    Procedure Formats and Practices

•    Content of procedure according to guidelines

•    Creating Clear Procedure Criteria

•    Using Procedures to Document Processes

Practical: 12:15 pm-1:30pm

-Application on how to write policies and procedures for different departments using different templates

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