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Course  Basis for efficient interpretation of breast imaging " Mammography & Ultrasound " MRI
Period   2010. 3. 13. ~ 2010. 3. 15.
Basis for efficient interpretation of breast imaging
" Mammography & Ultrasound " MRI

Organized By
Prof. Dr. Rawia Khalil Fawzy
Head of Radiology Department
Head of Woman’s Health Care Centre
Medical Research Institute
Alexandria University

Prof. Dr. Tarek Aref
Prof. of Radiology Department
Medical Research Institute
Alexandria University

13-15 March 2010


This workshop is meant to teach how to practice breast-imaging diagnosis using all established methods available to the radiologist. An emphasis on early detection with analysis and interpretation of mammographic images. You will learn to discern the most subtle of pathologic changes to ensure that your patients receive optimal and timely treatment. All are welcome to participate in this workshop.

 Learning objectives

•To increase specificity through greater confidence in recognizing normal anatomy.
•To increase sensitivity through improved skill in discerning subtle pathological changes.
•To improve diagnostic performance.

 Who should attend ?

Resident and Specialist in:

-Interested Physician

 Course program

09:00 AM – 10:30 AM     Lectures
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM     Break
11:00 AM – 01:00 PM     Practical session

 Course content

1.Anatomy and mammographic interrelationship
2.Mammographic parenchymal pattern subtypes
3.Mammographic of each parenchymal pattern
4.Interpretation of the mammographic image
5.Systemic method for viewing mammogram suggested algorithm for workup
6.Sonographic anatomy of the breast and Axilla
7.Sonographic evaluate of cystic and lesions
8.Sonographic interpretation for solid lesion
10.Standard Protocol for breast ultrasound examination
11.Breast MRI: Complementary tool for Breast Cancer Screening, Perception, Analysis, Image guided biopsy
12.Workup of mammographic finding discussed in detail in an interactive format

 Registration fees

300 LE for Resident
500 LE for others


Available upon prior request of at least one week before the course start date.

100.00 LE for single room
150.00 LE for double room

 For registration,please contact

 Mrs. Mai Kotb

Phone: (203) 42 662 13 / 17 / 18
FAX:      (203) 42 662 14

E-mail: mtcalex@link.net    


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