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Course  Programmable logic controller & Electro mechanical system control
Period   2009. 1. 31. ~ 2009. 2. 14.
FILE #1 : plc.doc (35.0K), Down:937, 2008-12-13 02:24:17

Biomedical training center

Biomedical control course using PLC


World around us is moving rapidly especially in control fields to perform operations in biomedical, mechanical and electrical farms.

That make the centre presents this course:



Programmable logic controller


Electro mechanical system control

Course targets:

-Having an overview about biomedical instruments that uses PLC.

-Knowledge of all other control systems and its applications (Relay control)

-know how to handle with inputs and outputs.

-Studying all types of switches, sensors and transducers

- Learn how to choose PLC and how to connect its inputs and outputs.

-Learn how to write a program using LADDER DIAGRAM.

-Learn how to upload, and repair programs.

Course contents:

-Electromechanical control system.

-Switches and sensors.

-Relay logic circuits.                   

-Complete control system using relays (Methods of starting motors).


-History of PLC                      -Inputs and outputs connections

-PLC programming using ladder diagram

-Timers and counters               -Memory types and dealing with it.

-Simulation using  ( logixpro).

-Accomplish Projects (Elevators, traffic light, production lines, complete petroleum and piping systems).

-Introduction to use PLC in  DCS and SCADA systems.


-The course will be 36 hour divided between theoretical and lab sessions.

-The lab is complete-prepared to make projects of electromechanical and  PLC .


-There aren’t any requirements to study this course that we start from   zero –knowledge of control systems.


-All courses are certified from  ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY.

For more information, contact:

Secretary of biomedical physics department at medical research institute.

Tel/Fax : +2 03 4261073

For technical support, contact :

biomedical .electronics@yahoo.com


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select count(*) as cnt from g4_login where lo_ip = ''

145 : Table './mri_gnuboard/g4_login' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

error file : /gnuboard4/bbs/board.php