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Course  Laboratory Performance and Quality Assurance
Period   2008. --. --. ~ 2008. --. --.
Laboratory Performance and Quality Assurance

(Two workshops during the year 2008)


Organized by: Dr. Gihane I. Khalil ,Dr. Marwa K. El-Ghandour,

Dr. Rania M. El-Sharkawy and Dr. Salwa Hamdy



NB. Enrollment limited to 15 participants



Course Objectives:

Laboratory performance and quality Assurance programs ensure laboratory staff, clinicians and patients that laboratory test results are reliable, reproducible and relevant. A Quality Assurance program that includes Internal Quality Control, External Quality Assessment and Quality Management is an effective tool to improve trust in laboratory test results.

Therefore, all laboratory personnel must be familiar with terms and procedures of the Laboratory performance and quality Assurance Program.




Morning Session


Afternoon Session








10:00 – 11:00




15 min break




11:15 – 11.45

 Source of Variation in lab

·     Pre-analytical stage

·     Analytical stage

·     Post-analytical stage





Types of Error

·     Random

·     Systematic



12:00 – 02:00





15 min break






02:15 – 03:00

 Laboratory Performance

·     Analytical performance

·     Precision

·     Accuracy

·     Interference

·     Detection limit


·     Diagnostic performance

·     Diagnostic sensitivity

·     Diagnostic specificity

·     Predictive values

·     Roc curve

·     LR ratio


Practical session






10:00 – 11:00



15 min break


11:15 – 12:15

 Introduction to quality assurance

·     External quality assessment

·     Internal quality control



Elements of quality assurance program





15 min break





 Control of preanalytical variables






Practical session






10:00 – 11:00


15 min break


11:15 – 12:15


Control of analytical variables




Control of analytical quality using stable control material




15 min break


01:45- 2:30

 Control of analytical quality using patient data




Practical Session




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