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Course  Biomedical Electronics Course
Period   2008. 6. 28. ~ 2008. 6. 28.

Biomedical Electronics Course



Due to the importance of microcontroller's applications in industrial applications, biomedical fields and graduation projects, the center presents the following course:




Programming and Troubleshooting


PCB design step by step


Course Targets:

- Having an overview about different biomedical instruments.

- Learning the basics of microcontroller systems, architectures, programming languages, software tools and simulation tools.

- Having knowledge of different types of memory.

- Dealing with sensors and transducers.

- Creating a good experience in electronic components market.

- Improving the treatment with different datasheets.


Course Contents:

- PIC microcontrollers programming using PICBasic language.

- AVR microcontrollers programming using C language.

              - Input-Output Modules

              - Sensors and Transducers

              - Relays and Switches

              - Heaters and Solenoids

              - Stepper Motor Control

              - PC Interface

              - Interrupts and Timers

              - A/D

              - I2C

              - IR

              And more ....

- PCB Design Step By Step.



The course will be 24 hours spread over 12 sessions, 2 sessions a week.

Course starts: Saturday, 28 June 2008.



150 LE. For Alexandria university students.

300 LE. For students of other universities.

500 LE. For postgraduates.



A fair knowledge of the basics of electronic and digital circuits.

If the prerequests are not satisfied, a special course will be arranged by the center.


- For registration, contact:

Secretary of biomedical physics department at medical research institute.

Tel/Fax : 03-4261073


- For technical support, contact:



?Copyright 2008 Biomedical Training Center. All Rights Reserved.

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select count(*) as cnt from g4_login where lo_ip = ''

145 : Table './mri_gnuboard/g4_login' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

error file : /gnuboard4/bbs/board.php