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Course  Chromatography Techniques: Principles and Applications
Period   2007. 8. 21. ~ 2007. 8. 23.

Chromatography Techniques:

Principles and Applications


Organized by: Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Mohsen


 (21-23 August 2007)


General objective

This training course will cover the major aspects of HPLC and GC, from the instrumentation and experimental consideration of their applications in different fields.


Specific objectives

            The course will cover the following:

-                     Principles of chromatographic techniques.

-                     Instrumental components of HPLC

-                     Instrumental components of GC

-                     The  important applications of HPLC and GC in different fields

-                     HPLC and GC: Practical approaches.



Tuesday 21-8-07:


1.      Introduction to Chromatographic techniques

2.      Chromatography Separation System: Basic Principles and Terminology


Practical session


Wednesday 22-8-07:


1.      System validation and method validation


Practical session


Thursday 23-8-07:


1.      Method development in HPLC


Practical session


Total Fees: 350 L.E.


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