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Course  Molecular Immunology: Theory, Practice & Applications
Period   2006. 7. 1. ~ 2006. 7. 1.

Molecular Immunology:

Theory, Practice & Applications

On the 1st of July 2006

   Molecular Immunology workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about high quality materials, techniques and applications of molecular immunology.


1- Introduction to Immunology.


2- Organs & cells of the immune system.


3- Antigens & immunogens.


4- Immunity to infectious diseases.


5- DNA, RNA & Protein (from gen to protein and from protein to machine).


6- Recombinant DNA Technology.


7- Recombinant DNA technology Techniques:

          A- DNA extraction.                     B- RNA extraction.

          C- Protein extraction.                 D- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

          E- Gene Cloning.


8- PCR applications.


9- DNA fingerprinting.


10 - Molecular immunology diagnosis.


11- Case studies.


Fees: For Egyptians 400 L.E.

           For Foreigners 350 $

 Organizer: Prof Dr. Laila Hamdy El-Sayed

                  Prof. of Immunology,

                  Medical Research Institute,

                  Alexandria University

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