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Period   2007. 3. 27. ~ 2007. 3. 29.



Organized by: Dr. Eman El-Abd & Dr. Mohamed Salah

From 27 to 29 March 2007




Tuesday 27-03-07:


09:00-10:00   Protein structure and function

10:00-10:30   Introduction to the practical session

10:30-11:00   Break

Practical session

11:00-13:30   Protein extraction and determination of protein concentration


Wednesday 28-3-07:


09:00-10:00   Protein Separation techniques

Practical session

10:00-11:00   SDS PAGE

11:00-11:30   Break

11:30-13:30   Staining and destaining procedures


Thursday 29-3-07:


09:00-10:00   Western and Dot blot analysis

Practical session

10:00-11:00   Dot blot analysis (blocking)

11:00-12:00   Dot blot analysis (adding the 1st antibody)

12:00-13:00   Dot blot analysis (adding the 2nd antibody)

13:00-13:30   Signal detection and image analysis

NB. Break will be served during one of the incubation times.


Total Fees: 300 L.E.


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