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Period   2008. --. --. ~ 2008. --. --.


(Three workshops during the year 2008)


Organized by: Prof. Dr. Metwally Kotb


NB. Enrollment limited to 15 participants

Aim of the workshop:

Providing the participants with an overview about the transmission E.M. to be familiar with the E.M. system and its accessories such as: knife maker, ultra microtome, specimens carrying grids, the E.M. holder and the specimen holder, preparation of the different biological materials, chemicals needed, hazards produced by the E. M. and the precautions required to obtain good specimens; in addition to, the developing, fixation, and handling the micrographs.



Participants are expected to be qualified personnel who hold a university degree from one of the following faculties:

   Faculty of Medicine

   Faculty of Dentistry

   Faculty of Pharmacy

   Faculty of Science

   Faculty of Agriculture

   Faculty of Veterinary

 E. M. workshop Program:


            Day 1:


    10:30 ・11:30                Electron Microscopy: Principles and applications

    11:30 ・12:00                Break

    12:00 ・03:00                Visiting the electron microscopy laboratory:

    Processing and preparation of biological specimens for EM study

            Day 2:


    10:00 ・12:00               Special techniques in EM processing:

    1-   Blood

    2-   Bone

    12:00 ・12:30               Break

    12:30 ・03:00               Special techniques in EM processing (continuing):

    3- Bacteria and Viruses

    4- Ultra-structure histochemistry

            Day 3:


    10:00 ・12:00               Cell ultra-structure (normal and abnormal cell structure)

    12:00 ・12:30               Break

    12:30 ・03:00               Processing and preparation of biological specimens 


    1-   Glass knifes preparation for the microtome

    2-   Preparation of specimen solid capsules and grids

    3-   Grids examination and photomicrography

            Day 4:


     10:00 ・11:30               Imaging, developing and printing the EM pictures

     11:30 ・12:00               Break

     12:00 ・03:00               Application of electron microscopy in disease diagnosis (renal, skeletal muscles, tumors,・etc.)

                                         Interpretation of EM micrographs and open discussion


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